drub[verb]Synonyms: beat, baste, batter, belabor, buffet, lambaste, paste, pound, thrash, wallop, blister, castigate, excoriate, flay, lash (into), scorch, score, scourge, slash, whip, clobber, lick, overwhelm, shellac, smear, trim
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
drub noun & verb. [drʌb] E17.[Prob. ult. from Arab. araba beat, (pronounced reb or similarly in NW Africa).]A. noun. A blow, a thump. Formerly
spec., a bastinado.
E17.b. verb. Infl.
1. verb trans. Beat with a stick; cudgel, flog, thump; beat in a fight or contest. Formerly
spec., bastinado.
M17.■ W. Besant He drubbed and belaboured his servants every day. ■ S. Kingsley We must drub the enemy and drub him soundly. Toronto Star It was no contest last night as the Islanders drubbed the Habs, 7-0.2. verb trans. Drive (an idea etc.)
into or
out of a person, drive (a person)
into or
out of a habit etc., by drubbing.
L17.3. verb trans. Abuse or criticize roundly.
E19.4. verb trans. & intrans. Beat, beat
on, (a drum etc.), hit repeatedly; stamp (one's foot).
M19.■ W. D. Howells Teaching the young..how to drub the piano. ■ C. Raine Thugs who drub The helpless air with clubs.5. verb intrans. Give out a sound of being beaten.
M19.■ S. Middleton The signal drubbed on unanswered. ■ drubber noun E18. ■ drubbing verbal noun (a) the action of the verb;
(b) a beating, a thrashing:
M17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲