loud making a lot of noise – used about sounds, voices, or music:
a loud explosion
He was talking in a very loud voice.
The music was too loud.noisy making a lot of noise – used about people, machines, and places that annoy you:
The traffic was so noisy.
noisy neighbours
a noisy barrowdy rowdy people behave in a noisy and uncontrolled way. A rowdy place such as a bar is full of noisy people, often behaving badly:
rowdy football fans
a rowdy barraucous /ˈrɔːkəs $ ˈrɒː-/
especially written unpleasantly loud – used about the excited sound of groups of people:
raucous laughter
raucous crowdsresounding [only before noun] used to describe a loud noise when something hits another thing, that seems to continue for a few seconds. Also used about people cheering or shouting loudly:
The door hit the wall with a resounding crash.
a resounding cheerthunderous extremely loud and deep in sound:
His remarks received thunderous applause from the audience.deafening /ˈdef
ənɪŋ/ so loud that you cannot hear anything else:
The noise was deafening – like a thousand fireworks going off at one time.
People living near airports suffer the deafening sound of aircraft taking off and landing.ear-splitting so loud that your ears feel uncomfortable:
He played the music at ear-splitting volume.piercing extremely loud, high, and unpleasant to hear:
a piercing screamthunderous applause
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