endo- combining form.
['ɛndǝʊ] Before a vowel also end-.
[Repr. Greek
endon within: see
Internal, inner; inside.
■ endoatmos'pheric
adjective occurring or operating within the atmosphere
L20. ■ endo'cardial
adjective (a) situated within the heart;
(b) of or pertaining to the endocardium:
M19. ■ endocar'ditic
adjective affected with or suffering from endocarditis
M19. ■ endocar'ditis
noun inflammation of the lining membrane of the heart, esp. that of the valves
M19. ■ endo'cardium
noun, pl.-dia, the smooth membrane lining the cavities and valves of the heart
L19. ■ endocarp
noun (
Botany) the inner layer of the pericarp of a fruit, which lines the seed chamber
E19. ■ endo'centric
adjective (
Linguistics) designating a compound or construction whose distribution is the same as that of one of its constituents
M20. ■ endocervical
[-'sǝ:vɪk(ǝ)l, -sǝ'vʌɪk(ǝ)l]endophytic
[-'fɪtɪk] adjective of, pertaining to, or being an endophyte
L19. ■ endopod,
■ en'dopodite
nouns (
Zoology) the inner branch of a biramous limb or appendage in some crustaceans
L19. ■ endo'polyploid
adjective (
Genetics) exhibiting endopolyploidy
M20. ■ endo'polyploidy
noun (
Genetics) polyploidy that is due to endomitosis
M20. ■ endo'psychic
adjective contained or occurring in the mind
E20. ■ endopterygote
[ɛndɒp'tɛrɪgǝʊt] adjective & noun (
Zoology) (designating) an insect whose wings develop internally at first and which passes through a pupal stage
E20. ■ endo'skeletal
adjective of or pertaining to an endoskeleton; of the nature of or having an endoskeleton:
L19. ■ endoskeleton
noun a skeleton inside the body, as in vertebrates
M19. ■ endosome
noun (a) rare the central part of some sponges;
(b) a body of chromatin in the nucleus of some cells; a nucleolus:
L19. ■ endosperm
noun nutritive material surrounding the embryo in some plant seeds
M19. ■ endo'spermic
adjective of or pertaining to endosperm
L19. ■ endospore
noun (a) the inner layer of the membrane or wall of some spores;
(b) a spore formed in a case or theca; a naked spore before it develops a cell wall;
(c) a resistant asexual spore that develops inside a vegetative bacterial cell:
L19. ■ [-'treɪkɪǝl, -trǝ'ki:ǝl] adjective situated or occurring within the trachea; performed by way of the trachea:
L19. ■ endotracheally
[-'treɪkɪǝli, -trǝ'ki:ǝli] adverb by way of the trachea
M20. ■ endotrophic
[-'trǝʊfɪ&smR;, -'trɒfɪk] adjective Botany (of a mycorrhiza) penetrating into a root
L19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲