enfilade noun & verb.
[ɛnfɪ'leɪd] E18.[French, from enfiler thread on a string, pierce or traverse from end to end, formed as EN-1 + fil thread: see FILE noun2, -ADE.]A. noun.
1. Military.
a. The situation of a post such that it commands the whole length of a line. Only in
E18.b. Gunfire directed along a line from end to end (also
enfilade fire); an act of firing in this way.
L18.2. A suite of rooms with doorways in line with each other; a vista between rows of trees etc.
E18.b. verb trans. Military. Subject to enfilade; cover the whole length of (a target) with a gun or guns.
E18.■ Clive James The Germans installed concrete gun emplacements to enfilade the beaches. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲