epi- prefix.
['ɛpi] Usu. ep-
[ɛp, unstressed ɪp] before an unaspirated vowel, eph-
[ɛf, unstressed ɪf] before an aspirated one.
[Repr. Greek
epi on, near to, above, in addition.]
1. Occurring, esp. in scientific words, with the senses 'on', as
epigraph, 'above, overlying', as
epidermis, 'near to', as
epipubis, 'in addition', as
Mineralogy, &
Geology. In names of substances, denoting
(a) analogy or similarity of composition,
(b) a bridge in a molecule.
■ epi'calyx
noun, pl. -yces
[-ɪsi:z], -yxes,
Botany a whorl of small bracts like sepals surrounding the true calyx in certain plants, esp. members of the mallow family
L19. ■ epicarp
noun (
Botany) the outermost layer of the pericarp in a fleshy fruit; the peel, the skin:
E19. ■ epichile
[-kʌɪl] noun [Greek kheilos lip] Botany the flat projecting outer part of the hinged labellum found in some orchids
M19. ■ epichlor'hydrin
noun Chemistry a cyclic epoxide, C
5OCl, that is a toxic flammable volatile liquid used esp. in the manufacture of epoxy resins
M19. ■ epi'chordal
adjective (
Zoology) situated or occurring on the dorsal side of the notochord
L19. ■ epi'clastic
adjective (
Geology) (of rock) formed on the earth's surface by the alteration of pre-existing rocks
L19. ■ epi'cormic
adjective (
[Greek kormos trunk (of a tree)] (of a shoot or branch) growing from a previously dormant bud on the trunk or a limb of a tree
E20. ■ epicotyl
[-'kɒtɪl] noun (
Botany) the part of an embryo or seedling stem above the cotyledon(s)
L19. ■ [-ɪǝ],
Botany the surface layer of the fruiting body in certain lichens and fungi
L19. ■ epitope noun [Greek topos place] Medicine the part of an antigen molecule to which an antibody molecule attaches itself
M20. ■ epi'topic adjective (
Medicine) of or pertaining to an epitope
M20. ■ epi'trochlear adjective (
Anatomy) situated above or near the trochlea of the elbow-joint
M20. ■ epizone noun (
Geology) a metamorphic zone characterized by moderate temperature, low pressure, and high stress
M20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲