epithelium noun.
[ɛpɪ'Ɵi:lɪǝm] Pl. -lia
M18.[mod. Latin, from
EPI- + Greek
thēlē teat, nipple +
Anatomy. Tissue of the kind that covers the surface of the body and lines some hollow structures in humans and animals, consisting of sheets of cells bound closely together without intervening connective tissue; a particular kind or portion of such tissue.
Botany. A layer of glandular cells such as those which line resin and gum canals.
M19. ■ epithelial
adjective of, pertaining to, or of the nature of epithelium
M19. ■ epitheliali'zation
noun =
epithelization M20. ■ epithelioid
adjective resembling epithelium or epithelial cells
L19. ■ ,epitheli'oma
noun, pl. -mas, -mata
[-mǝtǝ], a tumour of epithelial tissue,
esp. a malignant tumour of squamous epithelium, a squamous-cell carcinoma
L19. ■ ,epitheli'omatous
adjective affected with or of the nature of an epithelioma
L19. ■ ,epitheli'osis
noun a condition marked by a proliferation of epithelial cells
M20. ■ epithelization
[,ɛpɪƟi:lʌɪ'zeɪʃ(ǝ)n] noun the process of becoming covered with or converted into epithelium
M20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲