Essene noun.
['ɛsi:n] LME.[Latin Esseni pl. from Greek Essēnoi, perh. from Aramaic.]A member of a Jewish ascetic sect of the 1st cent.
BC and the 1st cent.
AD who lived communally and are widely regarded as the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
■ E'ssenian noun & adjective (a) noun = Essene;
(b) adjective of, pertaining to, or resembling the Essenes:
E18. ■ E'ssenic adjective of the nature of Essenism
M19. ■ E'ssenical adjective (now
rare or
obsolete) =
Essenic M17. ■ Essenism noun the doctrine and practice of the Essenes; an Essenic tendency:
M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲