euchre noun & verb.
['ju:kǝ] E19.[German dial. Jucker(spiel).]A. noun.
1. A card-game for 2 to 4 players in which the highest cards are the joker (if used), the jack of trumps, and the other jack of the same colour in a pack with the lower cards removed, the aim being win at least three of the five tricks played.
E19.2. An instance of euchring or being euchred.
M19.b. verb trans.1. Prevent (a bidder) from winning three or more tricks at euchre, thereby scoring points oneself.
E19.2. Cheat, trick, (
out of); deceive, outwit.
M19.■ T. Pynchon They have euchred Mexico into some such Byzantine exercise.3. Exhaust; ruin, finish, do for, (a person). Usu. in
pass. Austral. M20.■ K. S. Prichard I've got to get water for me horses..or we're euchred. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲