exertion[noun]Synonyms: effort, elbow grease
(facetious), endeavour, exercise, industry, strain, struggle, toil
Antonyms: inertia
Contrasted words: ease, leisure, relaxation, repose, rest, inactivity, idleness
Related Idioms: hard (
or long) pull
Related Words: strain,
struggle [TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
ex‧er‧tion /ɪɡˈzɜːʃ
ən $ -ɜːr-/
noun [uncountable and countable]1. a lot of physical or mental effort:
The afternoon’s exertions had left us feeling exhausted. mental exertion2. the use of power, influence etc to make something happen:
the exertion of authority [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲