fash noun1.
[faʃ] Scot. &
north. E18.[from the verb.]Trouble, vexation; bother; something that gives trouble.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
fash verb.
[faʃ] Chiefly
Scot. &
north. M16.[Early mod. French fascher (now fâcher) from Proto-Romance, from Latin fastus disdain.]1. verb trans. Annoy, trouble, bother, weary, (oneself, another).
M16.■ Sir W. Scott Never fash yoursel' wi' me..but look to yoursel'.2. verb intrans. Weary, be annoyed; trouble oneself; take trouble. (Foll. by
to do.)
L16. ■ fashery noun annoyance, worry; something that causes worry:
M16. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲