frizzle verb1 & noun1.
['frɪz(ǝ)l] M16.[from FRIZZ verb1: see -LE3.]A. verb.
1. verb trans. Form (hair) into small crisp curls.
M16.■ A. Tyler The damp weather had frizzled her hair into little corkscrews.2. verb intrans. Of hair: frizz, curl (
E17.b. noun. A small crisp curl; frizzled hair.
E17. ■ frizzly adjective consisting of frizzles or curls
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frizzle verb2 & noun2.
['frɪz(ǝ)l] M18.[from FRY verb with imit. ending: see -LE3. Cf. FIZZLE, SIZZLE.]A. verb.
1. verb trans. Burn or dry up (food) in cooking.
M18.2. verb trans. & intrans. Fry, grill, or burn with a sputtering or sizzling noise.
M19.■ W. S. Maugham He had four little fish cheerfully frizzling in a pan.b. noun. The action, an act, or the noise of frizzling.
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