
fundus noun. ['fʌndǝs] Pl. fundi [-dʌɪ].
Irregular Forms: (pl) fundi
(کالبد شناسی). ته رحم، قعر، قاعده، عمق ویا انتهای هر عضو مجوفی
fundus noun.
['fʌndǝs] Pl. fundi
M18.[Latin = bottom.]Anatomy. The more broadly rounded extremity of a hollow organ, usu. that part opposite to the external aperture;
spec. (a) the upper extremity of the uterus;
(b) the part of the interior of the eyeball opposite to the pupil.
■ fundu'scopic adjective of, pertaining to, or involving funduscopy
M20. ■ fun'duscopy noun ophthalmoscopy of the fundus of the eye
M20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲