gillyflower noun.
['dʒɪlɪflaʊǝ] Also (now
dial.) gilliver
['dʒɪlɪvǝ] & other vars.
ME.[Alt. (by assim. to flower) of Old French gilofre, girofle from medieval Latin caryophyllum clove from Greek karuophullon, from karuon nut + phullon leaf: cf. clove-gillyflower s.v. CLOVE noun2 I.]1. A clove.
ME-E16.2. Any of various cultivated flowers with a scent like that of cloves;
esp. =
CLOVE noun2 2. Also (
dial.), the wallflower,
Erysimum cheiri; (in full
stock-gillyflower) the stock,
Matthiola incana.
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