glandule noun.
['glandju:l] LME.[French, or directly from Latin glandula (usu. in pl.) glands in the neck, tonsils (dim. of glans, gland- acorn): see -ULE.]1. Medicine &
Veterinary Medicine. A gland;
esp. a lymph node (usu. in
LME-M18.2. Medicine &
Veterinary Medicine. A swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck. Usu. in
pl. Cf.
LME-E17.b. Medicine. Any rounded swelling in the body.
LME-M19.3. Zoology &
Botany. A small gland, esp. in certain fungi and orchids.
M18. ■ glandu'liferous adjective bearing glands or glandules
E18. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲