glycogen noun.
['glʌɪkǝdʒ(ǝ)n] Also
M19.[from GLYCO- + -GEN.]Biochemistry. A polysaccharide composed of glucose residues that is the form in which carbohydrate is stored in animals (corresponding to starch in plants) and is present esp. in liver and muscle.
■ glyco'genesis noun the metabolic formation of sugar, or of glycogen from sugar
L19. ■ glycoge'netic adjective =
glycogenic L19. ■ glyco'genic adjective of or pertaining to glycogenesis
M19. ■ glycoge'nolysis noun the breakdown of glycogen to glucose in the body
E20. ■ glycogeno'lytic adjective of or pertaining to glycogenolysis
E20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲