gorget noun1.
['gɔ:dʒɪt] LME.[Old French gorgete, formed as GORGE noun1: see -ET1.]1. A piece of armour for the throat.
obsolete exc.
Hist. LME.b. A woman's wimple, covering the head, neck, and shoulders.
obsolete exc.
Hist. M16.c. A collar.
E17.2. An ornament for the neck; a necklace, a decorative collar, etc.;
Military History a gilt crescent-shaped badge worn on a chain round the neck by officers on duty.
L15.3. In
pl. A type of pillory consisting of a hinged iron collar worn about the neck.
Scot. obsolete exc.
Hist. M17.4. A patch of colour on the throat or breast of an animal, esp. a bird
E19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
gorget noun2.
['gɔ:dʒɪt] M18.[Alt. of GORGERET.]Surgery. An instrument with a wide longitudinal groove or channel used in the removal of stones from the bladder.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲