great deal[noun]Synonyms: much, barrel, heap, lot, mass, mountain, multiplicity, peck, pile, power
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
great dealSee: GOOD DEAL.
{n.}, {informal} A large amount; much. - Used with "a".
Mrs. Walker's long illness cost her a good deal.
George spends a great deal of his time watching television. - Often used like an adverb.
Cleaning up after the party took a great deal more work than the girls expected.
Usually it takes Father half an hour to drive to work, but in bad weather it takes a good deal longer.
Mother likes the gloves Mary gave her, and she uses them a good deal.
George is a good deal like his father; they both love to eat. Syn.: A LOT, QUITE A LITTLE. Compare: ALL KINDS OF, GOOD MANY. Contrast: A LITTLE.
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