gyp[noun]Synonyms: swindler, cheat, con man, defrauder, diddler, double-dealer, flimflammer, mountebank, sharper, trickster, imposture, fake, fraud, hoax, humbug, phony, sell, spoof, swindle
[verb]Synonyms: cheat, beat, bilk, chouse, cozen, defraud, diddle, do, overreach, swindle
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
I. gyp1 /dʒɪp/
noun informal1. give somebody gyp British English a) to be painful:
My bad leg is really giving me gyp today. b) to punish someone or be angry with them because of something they have done
2. [singular] American English a) something that you were tricked into buying
b) a situation in which you feel you have been cheated:
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