gyro noun1.
['dʒʌɪrǝʊ] Pl.
E20.[Abbreviation.]1. =
colloq. E20.2. =
colloq. E20.
gyro-horizon =
gyro-pilot a gyrocompass used to provide automatic steering for an aircraft or ship;
gyro-stabilizer a gyroscope kept continuously spinning and mounted so as to counter any tendency to roll on the part of a ship, aircraft, platform, etc.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
gyro noun2.
['jɪǝrǝʊ, 'dʒɪǝ-, 'dʒʌɪ-; 'jiro] US. Pl. -os
[-ǝʊz, -ɔs].
L20.[mod. Greek guros turning: see GYRO-.]A sandwich of pitta bread filled with slices of spiced meat cooked on a spit, tomatoes, onions, etc.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
gyro- combining form ['dʒʌɪrǝʊ] of Greek
guros ring, circle, used also with the sense 'rotation': see
■ gyrocopter noun a kind of autogiro, now
spec. a small light single-seater one
E20. ■ gyrofrequency noun (
Physics) the frequency with which a charged particle spirals about the lines of force of a magnetic field
M20. ■ gyroplane noun an aircraft in which lift is provided by aerofoils rotating in an approximately horizontal plane;
esp. one in which these are not driven by an engine but rotate as a result of the aircraft's forward motion
E20. ■ gyrostat noun any of various forms of gyroscope
L19. ■ gyro'static adjective of or pertaining to a gyrostat or the principle of the gyroscope
L19. ■ gyro'statically adverb =
GYROSCOPICALLY L19. ■ gyro-the'odolite noun a type of theodolite that incorporates a gyroscope as an aid to orientation
M20. ■ gyrotiller noun (
Agriculture) a cultivator in which tines rotate about an axis
M20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲