hackle verb trans. ['hak(ǝ)l]
hackle noun. ['hak(ǝ)l]
hackle noun. ['hak(ǝ)l]
hackle verb trans. ['hak(ǝ)l]
hackle verb trans. ['hak(ǝ)l] obsolete exc. dial.
شانه مخصوص شانه کردن لیف های کتان وابریشم، کتان زن، حشره پردار، شانه کردن، از هم بازکردن، شکافتن، متلاشی کردن، ورزش: پر دراز و باریک وصل به طعمه ماهیگیری
hack·le(1) (hăk
n.► Any of the long, slender, often glossy feathers on the neck of a bird, especially a male domestic fowl.
► hackles The erectile hairs along the back of the neck of an animal, especially of a dog.
► ■ A tuft of cock feathers trimming an artificial fishing fly.
■ A hackle fly.
tr.v. hack·led, hack·ling, hack·les To trim (an artificial fishing fly) with a hackle.
get (one's) hackles upTo be extremely insulted or irritated.
[TahlilGaran] American Dictionary ▲
hackle(1) [Middle English
cloak, skin, plumage, possibly from Old English
cloak, mantle.]
[TahlilGaran] American Dictionary ▲