henpeck[verb]Synonyms: nag, carp (at), fuss, peck (at)
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
henpeck verb & noun.
['hɛnpɛk] colloq. L17.[(Back-form.) from HENPECKED.]A. verb trans. Of a wife: domineer over (her husband). Usu. in
L17.■ N. Bawden Always the gentleman, hen-pecked by his harridan wife.b. noun.
1. A henpecked husband; a domineering wife.
M18.2. Domineering by a wife.
M19. ■ henpeckery noun (
rare) the state or condition of being henpecked
M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲