heterogeneous[adjective]Synonyms: miscellaneous, assorted, chowchow, conglomerate, indiscriminate, mixed, motley, multifarious, promiscuous, varied
Antonyms: homogeneous
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
het‧e‧ro‧ge‧ne‧ous /ˌhet
ərəʊˈdʒiːniəs $ -roʊ-/ (
also het‧e‧rog‧e‧nous /ˌhetəˈrɒdʒənəs◂ $ -ˈrɑː-/)
adjective formal[
Date: 1600-1700;
Language: Medieval Latin;
Origin: heterogeneus, from Greek, from hetero- ( ⇒ hetero-) + genos 'type']
consisting of parts or members that are very different from each other
Antonym : homogeneous:
a heterogeneous collection of buildings—heterogeneously adverb—heterogeneity /ˌhet
ərəʊdʒəˈniːəti, ˌhet
ərəʊdʒɪˈniːəti $ -roʊ-/
noun [uncountable] [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲