hydatid noun.
['hʌɪdǝtɪd] L17.[mod. Latin hydatid-, hydatis from Greek hudatid-, -is drop of water, watery vesicle, from hudat-, hudōr water: see -ID2.]Orig., a cyst containing watery fluid. Now, a fluid-filled cyst or a jelly-filled cluster of cysts produced by and containing a larva of the tapeworms
Echinococcus granulosus or
E. multilocularis, and occurring in dogs, sheep, etc., whence it is caught by humans; a tapeworm so encysted. Freq.
hydatid disease: caused by a hydatid, with very variable symptoms and effects.
■ hyda'tidiform adjective having the form of a hydatid;
■ hydatidiform mole, (the condition of having) a cluster of fluid-filled vesicles in the womb as a result of the degeneration of chorionic tissue during pregnancy:
M19. ■ hydati'dosis noun hydatid disease
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