impartial[adjective]Synonyms: neutral, detached, disinterested, equitable, even-handed, fair, just, objective, open-minded, unbiased, unprejudiced
Antonyms: partial
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
im‧par‧tial /ɪmˈpɑːʃ
əl $ -ɑːr-/
adjective not involved in a particular situation, and therefore able to give a fair opinion or piece of advice
Synonym : fair Antonym : biased:
We offer impartial advice on tax and insurance. an impartial inquiry into the deaths an impartial observer—impartially adverb—impartiality /ɪmˌpɑːʃiˈæləti, ɪmˌpɑːʃiˈælɪti $ -ɑːr-/
noun [uncountable] [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲