incommunicable[adjective]Synonyms: unutterable, indefinable, indescribable, ineffable, inenarrable, inexpressible, undescribable, unexpressible, unspeakable, untellable, reserved, constrained, noncommittal, restrained
Antonyms: communicable, communicative
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
incommunicable adjective.
[ɪnkǝ'mju:nɪkǝb(ǝ)l] M16.[Late Latin incommunicabilis not to be imparted, formed as IN-3 + communicabilis: see COMMUNICABLE.]1. =
M16.2. Unable to be imparted or shared.
L16.■ C. Johnston To wrest from the sovereign an essential part of the incommunicable power of the crown.3. Unable to be communicated by speech; unspeakable, unutterable; ineffable.
M17.■ J. F. Ferrier Its true meaning is utterly incommunicable by one being to another.4. Not in communication; lacking communication.
M17. ■ ,incommunica'bility noun M17. ■ incommunicableness noun E17. ■ incommunicably adverb E17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲