interfuse[verb]Synonyms: mix, blend, compound, fuse, immingle, interblend, intermingle, intermix, meld, mingle, diffuse, infuse, interlard, intersow, intersperse, intersprinkle, permeate, compenetrate, impenetrate, impregnate, interpenetrate, penetrate, percolate, pervade, saturate, transfuse
Related Words: impenetrate,
saturate [TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
interfuse verb.
[ɪntǝ'fju:z] L16.[Latin interfus- pa. ppl stem of interfundere, formed as INTER- + fundere pour.]1. verb trans. Permeate (a thing)
with an infusion or mixture of something else. Usu. in
pass. L16.■ W. Black The wonderful light greens of the Spring foliage seemed to be interfused with a lambent sunshine.2. verb trans. Pour in among something. Usu. in
pass. M17.■ Wordsworth A sense sublime Of something far more deeply interfused, Whose dwelling is the light.3. verb trans. In
pass. Be fused or blended together.
M19.■ J. R. Lowell The character and its intellectual product are inextricably interfused.4. verb intrans. Of two things: fuse or blend with each other.
M19.■ R. Firbank Moon-lit lawns and..trees stretched away, interfusing far off into soft deeps of velvet.5. verb trans. Of one thing: permeate and blend with.
L19. ■ interfusion noun the action of interfusing; the fact of being interfused:
E19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲