intransigent[adjective]Synonyms: uncompromising, hardline, intractable, obdurate, obstinate, stiff-necked, stubborn, unbending, unyielding
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
in‧tran‧si‧gent /ɪnˈtrænsədʒ
ənt, ɪnˈtrænsɪdʒ
adjective formal[
Date: 1800-1900;
Language: Spanish;
Origin: intransigente, from transigir 'to accept less than you originally wanted']
unwilling to change your ideas or behaviour, in a way that seems unreasonable
Synonym : stubborn:
an intransigent attitude—intransigence noun [uncountable]:
He accused the government of intransigence. [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲