inverted adjective.
[ɪn'vǝ:tɪd] L16.[from INVERT verb + -ED1.]1. Reversed in position, relation, or order; turned upside down or back to front; turned inwards or inside out.
L16.2. Heraldry. Of a charge: used upside down. Of a bird's wings: with the tips pointed downwards. Of two animals: facing each other across the middle of the field.
E17.3. Music. Of a chord or interval: having the lowest note raised (usu. by an octave).
E19.4. Phonetics. Produced with the tip of the tongue turned upwards towards the hard palate.
L19.5. Psychology. Of the sex instincts: turned towards one's own sex; homosexual.
L19.Special collocations:
inverted comma: see
inverted pendulum: see
inverted pleat: with two parallel contrary pleats forming a recessed band.
inverted snob a person who likes or takes pride in what a snob normally disapproves of.
inverted snobbery the practices or attitudes of an inverted snob.
inverted spelling =
inverse spelling s.v.
INVERSE adjective.
■ invertedly adverb in an inverted manner; upside down; with inversion of order:
L17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲