jow noun.
[dʒaʊ] Scot. &
north. E16.[Perh. a form of JOWL noun4.]1. A single stroke or pull in the ringing of a bell; the ringing, tolling, or sound of a bell.
Scot. E16.2. A knock, push.
L18. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
jow verb.
[dʒaʊ] Scot. &
north. E16.[Perh. a form of JOWL verb.]1. verb trans. Ring or toll (a bell), esp. without giving a full swing.
Scot. E16.b. verb intrans. Of a bell: toll, ring.
L18.2. verb trans. Knock, strike, (esp. the head).
E19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲