jurat noun1.
['dʒʊǝrat] LME.[medieval Latin juratus lit. 'sworn man', use as noun of masc. pa. pple of Latin jurare swear: see -AT1.]1. A person who has taken an oath or who performs some duty on oath;
spec. one sworn to give information and in other ways assist the administration of justice.
obsolete exc.
Hist. LME.2. A municipal officer (esp. of the Cinque Ports) holding a position similar to that of an alderman.
LME.3. A municipal magistrate in certain French towns.
LME.4. In the Channel Islands: each of a body of magistrates, elected for life, who in conjunction with the Bailiff form the Royal Court for administration of justice.
M16. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
jurat noun2.
['dʒʊǝrat] L18.[Latin juratum use as noun of neut. pa. pple of jurare swear: see -AT1.]Law. A memorandum as to where, when, and before whom an affidavit is sworn.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲