kernel[noun]Synonyms: essence, core, germ, gist, nub, pith, substance
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
ker‧nel /ˈkɜːnl $ ˈkɜːr-/
noun [countable][
Language: Old English;
Origin: cyrnel, from corn; ⇒ corn]
1. the part of a nut or seed inside the shell, or the part inside the stone of some fruits
2. [usually singular] one of the small yellow pieces on a corn
cob3. [usually singular] the most important part of a statement, idea, plan etc
Synonym : corekernel of This evidence is the kernel of the defendants’ case.4. [usually singular] a very small part or amount of something
kernel of There may be a kernel of truth in what he says. [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲