kultur noun.
[kʊl'tu:r] Also Kultur.
E20.[German from Latin
cultura or French
culture CULTURE noun.]
German civilization and culture, esp. (
derog.) seen as racialist, authoritarian, and militaristic.
[-gǝʃɪçtǝ] [Geschichte history] the history of the cultural development of a country etc.; history of civilization; kulturkampf
[-kampf] [Kampf struggle] the conflict in 19th-cent. Germany between the civil and ecclesiastical authorities for the control of schools and Church appointments; kulturkreis
[-kraɪs], pl. -e
[Kreis sphere] a cultural group; a cultural complex; kulturstaat
[-ʃta:t], pl. -en
[Staat State] a civilized country; kulturträger
[-trɛ:gǝr], pl. same,
[Träger carrier] an agent of cultural transmission.
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