kymograph noun.
['kʌɪmǝ(ʊ)grɑ:f] M19.[from Greek
kumo- combining form of
kuma wave (see
-O-) +
1. An instrument for recording variations in pressure e.g. of blood in the blood-vessels, of air during respiration or speech, etc., by the trace of a stylus on a rotating cylinder; a recording manometer.
Medicine. An apparatus for recording the movement of the heart or other internal organs on an X-ray plate or film. Also called
M20. ■ kymo'graphic
adjective pertaining to or made with a kymograph
L19. ■ kymo'graphically
adverb by means of a kymograph
M20. ■ kymography
[kʌɪ'mɒgrǝfi] noun the technique or process of using a kymograph
M20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲