leal adjective & adverb.
[li:l] Now
Scot. &
north. or
ME.[Anglo-Norman leal, Old French leel: see LOYAL.]A. adjective.
1. Loyal, faithful, honest.
ME.■ R. Graves Now you vow to be leal and true.2. True, genuine; real, actual; exact, accurate.
ME.■ J. Louthian The said Witnesses to bear leal and soothfast Witnessing.3. Lawful; just, fair.
leal-hearted adjective loyal, faithful, honest.
b. adverb.
1. Loyally, faithfully.
ME.2. Truly, exactly, accurately; perfectly, thoroughly.
LME. ■ leally adverb loyally, faithfully, truly
ME. ■ lealty noun (
arch.) faithfulness, loyalty
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