Levitical adjective.
[lɪ'vɪtɪk(ǝ)l] M16.[from late Latin (Vulgate) leviticus from Greek levitikos from levitēs: see LEVITE, -ICAL.]1. Of or pertaining to the Levites.
M16.2. Of or pertaining to the ancient Jewish system of ritual administered by the Levites. Also, of or pertaining to the biblical Book of Leviticus.
M16.Levitical degrees the degrees of consanguinity within which marriage is forbidden (
Leviticus 18:6-18).
■ Leviticalism noun Levitical tenets and practice
L19. ■ Levitically adverb in a Levitical manner, according to Levitical law
M17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲