loggerhead noun.
['lɒgǝhɛd] L16.[Prob. from LOGGER noun2 + HEAD noun.]1. A stupid person.
arch. L16.2. A head out of proportion to the body; a large or thick head.
colloq. L16.3. a. In full
loggerhead turtle. A large-headed sea turtle,
Caretta caretta, of warm seas worldwide.
M17.b. In full
loggerhead kingbird. A W. Indian kingbird,
Tyrannus caudifasciatus.
M17.c. Any of various large-headed fishes, such as the bullhead.
dial. L17.d. In full
loggerhead shrike. A shrike,
Lanius ludovicianus, of the southern US and Mexico.
E19.e. Any of various large moths.
dial. M19.4. An iron instrument with a long handle and a ball at the end heated for melting pitch etc.
L17.5. In
pl. (treated as
sing.). Knapweed.
dial. E19.6. A rounded wooden upright near the stern of a whaling boat to which a turn of the line may be caught.
at loggerheads disagreeing or disputing (
■ loggerheaded adjective (a) stupid;
(b) (esp. of an animal) having a large head:
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