loony[adjective]Synonyms: foolish, absurd, balmy, crazy, harebrained, insane, potty, preposterous, silly, wacky, batty, bananas, bonkers, crackbrained, daffy, fruity, lunatic, nutty
[noun]Synonyms: lunatic, bedlamite, dement, loon, madling, madman, maniac, non compos, nut, Tom o' Bedlam
English Thesaurus: crazy, mad, nuts, loony, insane, ... [TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
II. loony2 adjective informal silly, crazy, or strange:
a loony idea [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲
crazy very strange or not sensible – used about people, ideas, and behaviour:
People think I’m crazy when I start talking about ghosts. It was a crazy thing to do.mad British English crazy:
Are you mad? Whose mad idea was that? At first, everyone thought he was completely mad.nuts informal (
also bonkers British English)
[not before noun] crazy:
The whole thing sounds completely nuts. Have you gone bonkers?loony informal crazy:
another loony suggestion The man is totally loony.insane completely crazy:
I know it sounds insane, but it’s true. [TahlilGaran] English Thesaurus ▲