magdalen noun.
['magdǝlɪn] Also (esp. in sense 1) Magdalen, magdalene
LME.[ecclesiastical Latin (Maria) Magdalena, -lene from Greek (Mariaē) Magdalēnē (Mary) of Magdala, a town in ancient Palestine. Cf. MAUDLIN noun.]1. Christian Church.
the Magdalen,
Mary Magdalen, a follower of Jesus to whom he appeared after his resurrection (
John 20:1-18), in the West commonly identified with the sinner of
Luke 8:37 and represented in hagiology as a reformed prostitute elevated to sanctity by repentance and faith. Cf.
MAUDLIN noun 1.
LME.b. A representation of Mary Magdalen in art.
M17.2. transf. A repentant female sinner;
esp. a reformed prostitute.
M16.b. Hist. A home for the refuge and reformation of prostitutes. Also
magdalen home,
magdalen hospital, etc. Cf.
MAUDLIN noun 3.
M18.3. An old variety of peach. Cf.
MAUDLIN noun 4. Long
E18. ■ magdalenism noun prostitution
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