magnific[adjective]Synonyms: grand, august, grandiose, imposing, lordly, magnificent, majestic, noble, princely, stately
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
magnific adjective.
[mag'nɪfɪk] arch. L15.[Old & mod. French magnifique or Latin magnificus, from magnus great: see -FIC.]1. Renowned, glorious.
L15-M17.2. Sumptuous, splendid.
L15.3. Imposing by vastness or dignity; (of language etc.) exalted, sublime;
derog. pompous, grandiloquent.
M16.4. Of a title, expression, etc.: serving to magnify or extol; highly honorific or eulogistic.
M16-E18.5. Nobly lavish or munificent.
L16-M17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲