Marxian adjective1 & noun1.
['mɑ:ksɪǝn] L19.[from Marx (see MARXISM noun1) + -IAN.]A. adjective. Of or pertaining to the political and economic theories of Karl Marx; =
MARXIST adjective1.
L19.b. noun. =
MARXIST noun1.
L19. ■ Marxianism noun adherence to Marxian doctrines or theories, =
MARXISM noun1 L19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
Marxian adjective2 & noun2.
['mɑ:ksɪǝn] M20.[from Marx (see below) + -IAN.]A. adjective. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Marx Brothers (Chico, Harpo, Groucho, and Zeppo), 20th-cent. US comedians.
M20.b. noun. An admirer or student of the Marx Brothers or their films.
M20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲