mell verb.
[mɛl] Now chiefly
arch. &
dial. ME.[Old French meller: see MêLéE. Cf. MEDDLE.]1. verb trans. & intrans. Mix, mingle, combine. Also foll. by
together, with.
ME.2. verb intrans. Associate, have dealings
ME.3. verb intrans. Come together, mingle, in combat.
ME.4. verb refl. Concern or busy oneself.
arch. ME.5. verb intrans. Copulate.
LME-M17.6. verb intrans. Concern, busy, oneself; deal
with, treat; interfere, meddle.
LME. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
mell noun1.
[mɛl] Now only
Scot. &
north. ME.[Var. of MAUL noun.]Orig., a mace, a club. Later, a heavy hammer or beetle (=
MAUL noun 2), esp. as a token given to the loser of a competition; a gavel.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲