metaphorical[adjective]Synonyms: figurative, allegorical, emblematic, symbolic
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
met‧a‧phor‧i‧cal /ˌmetəˈfɒrɪk
əl◂ $ -ˈfɔː-, -ˈfɑː-/
adjective1. a metaphorical use of a word is not concerned with real objects or physical events, but with ideas or events of a non-physical kind:
The word has a metaphorical as well as a literal meaning.2. used to show that you are using a metaphor:
his need to escape from the metaphorical chains that held him—metaphorically /-kli/
She was, literally and metaphorically, in perfect shape. [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲