milt noun & verb.
[mɪlt] As noun also melt
[Old English milt(e, corresp. to Old Frisian, Middle Dutch milte (Dutch milt), Old High German milzi (German Milz), Old Norse milti, from Germanic, perh. rel. to base of MELT verb.]A. noun.
1. The spleen (now chiefly, that of a domestic animal).
OE.2. The semen of a male fish; the testes of a male fish.
miltwaste (now
rare or
obsolete) the rustyback fern,
Ceterach officinarum.
b. verb trans. & intrans. Of a male fish: fertilize with or emit milt.
L17. ■ milter noun a male fish, esp. in spawning time
E17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲