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[TahlilGaran] Persian Dictionary ▲
minimax noun & adjective.
['mɪnɪmaks] M20.[from MINI(MUM + MAX(IMUM.]Math.A. noun. The smallest of a set of maxima.
M20.b. attrib. or as
adjective. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a minimax;
spec. in
Game Theory, designating
(a) a strategy that minimizes the greatest loss or risk to which a participant in a game etc. will be liable;
(b) the theorem that for a finite zero-sum game with two players, the smallest maximum loss that a player can choose to risk is equal to the greatest minimum guaranteeable gain. Cf.
M20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
minimax verb.
['mɪnɪmaks] M20.[from MINIMAX noun & adjective.]Math.1. verb trans. Make equal to a minimax value.
M20.2. verb intrans. Adopt or employ a minimax strategy.
M20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲