nativism noun.
['neɪtɪvɪz(ǝ)m] M19.[from NATIVE adjective + -ISM.]1. a. Chiefly
US History. The attitude, practice, or policy of protecting the interests of native-born or existing inhabitants against those of immigrants.
M19.b. Anthropology. Return to or emphasis on a way of life or customs under threat from outside influences.
M20.2. a. Philosophy. The doctrine of innate ideas.
L19.b. In
Psychology, the doctrine that certain capacities or abilities, esp. those of sense perception, are innate rather than acquired. In
Linguistics, the theory that in the development of language an inherent connection exists in the mind between sound and sense.
L19. ■ nativist noun & adjective (a) noun an adherent or student of nativism;
(b) adjective of or pertaining to nativism or nativists:
M19. ■ nati'vistic adjective pertaining to or of the nature of nativism
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