Nicene adjective & noun.
['nʌɪsi:n, nʌɪ'si:n] LME.[Late Latin Nicenus, Nicaenus, from Nicea, Nicaea, Greek Nikaia, a town of ancient Bithynia. Cf. ISNIK.]A. adjective.
1. Nicene Council, either of two ecclesiastical Councils held at Nicaea in
AD 325 and 787, convened to settle the Arian controversy and the question of images respectively.
LME.2. Nicene Creed, either of two formal statements of Christian belief,
(a) rare one drawn up by the first Nicene Council;
(b) one drawn up at the first Council of Constantinople in
AD 381, in regular use in Eucharistic worship.
LME.3. Connected with, originating from, or related to either of the Nicene Councils or their doctrines.
L16.b. noun. An adherent of the doctrine sanctioned by the first Nicene Council.
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