non-residence noun.
[nɒn'rɛzɪd(ǝ)ns] LME.[from NON- + RESIDENCE noun1.]1. Failure or refusal of a member of the clergy to reside as required by official duties; systematic absence of a member of the clergy from a benefice or charge.
LME.2. gen. The fact of sojourning in a place for a short time only or of habitually residing elsewhere.
L16. ■ non-resi'dential adjective not residential; (of a college, university, etc.) not requiring to reside in college etc. accommodation:
L19. ■ non-resi'dentiary noun & adjective (a) adjective not residentiary;
(b) noun a non-residentiary ecclesiatic:
E17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲