noumenal adjective.
['naʊmǝn(ǝ)l, 'nu:] E19.[from NOUMEN(ON + -AL1.]Chiefly
Kantian Philosophy. Of, pertaining to, or consisting of noumena; that can only be apprehended by intuition; not phenomenal.
■ noumenalism noun the doctrine that knowledge can only be apprehended by intuition.
E20. ■ noumenalist noun & adjective (a) noun an adherent of noumenalism;
(b) adjective of or pertaining to noumenalism or noumenalists:
E20. ■ noume'nality noun the quality or state of being a noumenon
L19. ■ noumenally adverb in a noumenal aspect; as regards noumena:
M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲