Ophite noun2.
['ɒfʌɪt] L17.[Late Latin Ophitae from Greek Ophitai pl. of Ophitēs, from ophis snake: see -ITE1.]A member of an early Gnostic sect which exalted the serpent (
Genesis 3) as the liberator of humankind.
■ O'phitic adjective2 M19. ■ Ophitism noun the doctrine of the Ophites
L19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
ophite noun1.
['ɒfʌɪt] M17.[Latin ophites from Greek ophitēs serpentine stone, from ophis snake: see -ITE1.]Geology. Any of various eruptive or metamorphic rocks which are usually green and have spots or markings like a snake; serpentine.
■ o'phitic adjective1 characterized by or designating a rock texture in which crystals of feldspar are interposed between plates of augite
L19. ■ o'phitically adverb with an ophitic texture
E20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲