oscillograph noun & verb.
[ǝ'sɪlǝgrɑ:f] L19.[from OSCILL(ATION + -O- + -GRAPH.]A. noun.
1. An instrument for detecting and measuring the motion of a ship or the sea.
L19.2. An instrument for displaying or for recording as a continuous curve the form of a varying voltage.
L19.3. =
M20.b. verb trans. Record or display by means of an oscillograph.
E20. ■ oscillo'graphic adjective of, pertaining to, or using an oscillograph
E20. ■ oscillo'graphically adverb by means of or as an oscillograph
E20. ■ osci'llography noun the use of oscillographs
M20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲